1969 tot 1974: Universiteit van Stellenbosch, behaal grade MB ChB in 1974.
1975: Internskap Welkom Hospitaal en locum tenens Ernest Oppenheimer Hospitaal, Welkom.
1976: Militere diensplig, eerste helfte van die jaar te Kamp Alfa in die Caprivistrook en tweede helfte te Lugmagbasis Dunnottar.
1977 tot 1981: Universiteit van die Witwatersrand, kliniese assistent in die Departement Interne Geneeskunde. Behaal LKI (SA) in 1981.
1981 tot 1984: Universiteit van die Witwatersrand, Junior Konsultant in Departement Interne Geneeskunde en opleiding in gastroenterologie en hepatologie.
1984 to 2018: Gastroenteroloog in privaatpraktyk te MediClinic Sandton.
I was fortunate enough to discover the girl of my dreams, Suzanne Kruger, in my first-year class. After a somewhat tempestuous on/off relationship, we got married in 1977 and have never looked back. We have two wonderful children: a son, Andre, who is an ophthalmologist and a daughter, Ilse, who is a digital specialist. Both are married and live in Johannesburg. We have been blessed with three gorgeous granddaughters, Charlotte, Emily and Amelia.
Medicine was a good career choice and, despite the rigours of private practice, I still enjoy my work. I feel immensely privileged to have had supportive parents, to have attended Grey College from Sub A to matric and to have been exposed to the colossi of South African medicine.